I wanted to let you guys know how much what you do here matters so much with people in this area. Our people. I just helped Brenda Willis put her son Danny’s new stroller in her car. I think Danny was our #2 patient at Jones Adaptive maybe #1 I don’t remember. He was very complicated and lives in Haysi. He has always needed a lot of postural support and has always gotten a complicated tilt in space chair. For his entire life his mother has had to deal with the large chairs. With either a trunk and her picking up in and out or a van, or public transit.
Anyway, Danny is older, so is Brenda. Danny needed more help and more visits to the Doctor with a different medication. Jennifer, Luke’s wife, mentioned to Luke that Danny had been coming into the clinic where she works and Brenda
was having trouble getting him there in the bulky chair we delivered (insurance paid for). With the Foundation Luke was able to find Danny a Convaid Stroller, Adult sized, with the postural support Danny requires and the weight and folding maneuverability his mother needs. Brenda and Danny just left. Brenda folded up the stroller put it in her car, easily, and started crying. She hugged me, thanked all of us, I mumbled something profound about our wonderful employees and being blessed with the best coworkers anywhere (or ripe raspberries, I can’t remember). Now I am having trouble seeing this screen because of dirty reading glasses (or drippy eyes). Anyway, they left. 15 years Danny and his mother have been a big part of our lives. All the way in Haysi. Good job Luke. I love you man. Good job everyone, I love you guys. What we do matters.